Monday, June 29, 2009



Sunday, June 28, 2009



Saturday, June 27, 2009


哈哈哈,今晚我亲爱的大堂姐从埃尔南回怡保度假,我们两年没见了。。。哈哈哈。。成熟了,样子也美了。。。哈哈哈,从来没有两句的我们,突然今晚说多了。。。,她还跟我的车出去兜风。。。还“chok”我在金宝的事情。。幸好我什么也没说。。。哈哈哈是不是很熟的情形了?。。。冬菇。。。哈哈哈。。。。好久没见了,连亲情也深了。。。原来她是很有米的。。。读taylor's 的喔。。哈哈哈。。。今晚我家真的来了好多人。。。不知道从哪个洞跑出来。。。哈哈,我是九洞的。。。。美食也搭到满满的。。。哈哈哈,好热闹喔!!!但是空虚的我,只在隔壁的黑夜篮球场上独自打篮球。。。真的好孤独。。。没有朋友的我,也不是平常的我。。。那么多话说的我,也会变成自闭冷酷的。。。哈哈哈,你们从来也不会见到我这种情况。。。。哈哈哈,因为你是我亲爱的好朋友。。。。哈哈哈,亲爱的。。好肉麻的字眼,但是这两个字里包含着无限的关怀与爱的力量,包括友谊与亲情的爱。。。。哈哈哈。。。亲爱的朋友,真的好感激你们对我的支持与关怀,没有了你们的支持,我早已经崩溃了,没有了你们的关怀,我的伤会更深。。。谢谢你们听我无聊的苦言,虽然与你无关,但是你们都很用心的听,也帮我保守了秘密。。。朋友们,谢谢你陪我走过一条无尽的沙漠,谢谢你陪我游过广阔的大海,我会永远的忠诚于你。。我也会永远的报答你。。。朋友,真心的谢谢你。。。



Friday, June 26, 2009


苦笑叹气?有人说我这几天这有这两种表情。。。为何我会那样?几时我才会恢复那灿烂的笑容。。。哈哈哈,我也明白为何我只有苦笑与叹气。。。是因为我正在伪装着那无伤的我,真是太苦。。。。所以笑中带苦也带泪。。。。叹气,在无时无刻的伪装下真的很难过,也在无法忍受之下只做出唯一的行为,那就是叹气。。。。叹气只是在伪装着休息罢了。。。。只有这样在是最好的。。。放下,想开,说说就容易。。。真的要放下,真的好难。。。哈哈哈,可能是水瓶座。。。。对与爱情或友情,别人永远摸不透,只有自己最清楚。。。也不想被别人看见自己的悲伤,所以只在无人的地方暗自落泪。。。星座。。。真的好神奇。。。他能够能把我最想要的一句话也说了出来:(水瓶男的特点就是懒,他向往的就是有一天能遇到美丽的田螺姑娘,帮他们打扫屋子并且煮饭。所以,对一个刚开始建立关系水瓶男,一定要表现出你的体贴,做出很懂事的样子说“无所谓啊,我来帮你收拾吧。这样水瓶男往往会有家庭般的温暖,等他依赖上你的时候,怎么调教那就是你的事了。 )真想真想有某某人能说出这句话。。。。无所谓啊,我来帮你收拾吧

Friday, June 19, 2009


今天在我回怡保的路途中终于想通了,想开了,想明了,也看透了。。。我终于做了一可决定,那就是放手,放开所有。。。哈哈哈。。。觉得这几天很愚笨也很幼稚。。。。哈哈哈。。我还是比较喜欢从前的我。。。想开了还觉得挺舒服。。。哈哈哈 ,依然是朋友。。。现在唯一的烦恼就是考试与assignment,那也是使我想开的理由之一。。。。哈哈哈,想得开真好!!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009











Wednesday, June 17, 2009


我突然很想很想用华语来说出我心底话。。。在黑夜里我听了一首歌,这首歌真的完全唱出了我的心声。。。“我爱的人她已有了爱人,从他们的眼神说明了我不可能”。。。心情悲伤的我,听着这首悲哀的歌,就仿佛她拿着一把刀,在我心里留下了一刀裂痕 。。。也让我在反反复复想起了你与我渡过的每一分每一秒。。。我真很想把你忘记,不过。。真的好难。。。泪水不停从我心里的裂痕涌出来,也不停的在心里纠缠。。。伤更深,情更真。。。唯一的答案,爱一个人好难。。。。。。

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Big Receiveable Day .........

HAHAHAHA ..... Today i finally receive a very kind and good younger sister (Yeh Yeh ).......and today i also got receive a very ugly and weird name "Winnie" , i dont think it is suitable for me ..... hahaha ..... and i cannot accept a name like a girl .......swt!!!! Winnie ...... Tomorrow is our six big sky n CBG member "dick Pin "birthday , so we help him to celebrate a unforgetable birthday ......Hahaha ... happy birthday my best friend dickpin , wish u can be better than before .......hahaha"adult already loh......... Today i a very happy day , but between the happy still have some sad .......(T^.^T)

Monday, June 15, 2009


Today i finally dare to talk what about I normally dont dare to talk ........ hahaha ....... but i really do that ..... although the answer got make me some disappointed, but still ok la ........what i dare to talk and what i dare to accept the answer .........

Sunday, June 14, 2009

=.= !!

This morning i go breakfast with my family ..... hahaha..... oldtown kopitiam......really cannot compare to others ... juz a the best in the World ........ hahaha , after go play manual car in my shop car parking there...... really very cool!!! ...... but i still lost control when it reverse ......hahaha .....Then , i go home n play basketball with my dad n brother..... my shooting skill got improve , so make my brother nothing to say ..... hahaha ...... after play baskteball , i not feeling welll n got some faint ...... but i still drive car to Kampar ...... When arrive kampar we go find ducke and borrow equiment of cooking from her ....... After that we cooking 醉鸡面线 very delicious too .....Lastly we go mut yeh house to play a game of card about "question and answer " hahaha ...... At last i also know something ..... waste few hour also worth de !!!! hehehe ...... ^^

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Family Day ..... Boring!!!

Today is a family day .... whole day also with family !!!!!!Go Eating with them !!!! Go shopping with them at jusco !!!! watch Tv with them !!!!! hahaha ...... Although got some boring ..... but i think spent some time for family is WORTH de .......

Friday, June 12, 2009

Failed Programming

Really sad larr today .... i so hard to do a program.... finally got 16 error.... hahaha really 一败涂地 n i finally can feel how strong the programming ...... hahaha , today i faint again in the class .... ..... Now me and kok also very love programming already ..........

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Faint = Sleep?

hahahaha ,mu mut last night or this morning drunk jor ...... hahaha , very noisy and smelly .....n bring the laptop to travel , hahaha........... we 3am also go visit her ..... see we really friend leh ? hahahaha , so make our next day faint (sleep) in the class....... After that we go eat dinner .......“月光河”hahaha , delicious .....that i 1st time eat ..Lastly i teach kok to do some rivision and go 游车河 with kok , dick pin , leongpak and mut mut ....... ^^

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

6 big sky king ..................

hahaha ..... today is our 6 big sky king and write true find stupid company comittee gathering day .......although long time no see , our relationship still very good and hard .... like brother ..... hahaha ........... left jia ching only, fast come back from KL.....we all waiting for you ...... FriendShip Forever and ever ...............(=.=)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

!st time ride motorcycle.....

Today is another day ..... hahahaha , dont know why C.G.G very like these words........ hahahaha ,wat is that true meaning leh ?hahaha ..... today is my 1st time ride motorcycle in my life..... really excited and very mystery tat tonight i dare to ride motorcycle .....After that we cycling again and drive my car to adventure in the kampar ..... really very comfortable and relax also ..... ^^

Monday, June 8, 2009

Today is a Rush and Bad day....

Hahaha , why leong pak u very happy ?hahahaha never see u laughing like tat before ? cause who ?Mut Mut ah ?hahaha....... Today ,drive wrong way and let the police to block .....luckily , give rm50 and can run away..... really bad la , like a gang of theives.....but nvm la ,better my lisence to be ban ....... At night ,we go the taekwondo freshment night with C.C.G ..... hahaha , them also dont want join these club ,just go there play play onli .......make me got some disappointed.......Finally , we cycling in the westlake ....... hahaha i fetch all C.C.G.... and feel the weight too ^^........ After that i fetch Kai Xin to MahaMaju to drink ......and borrow my leg to let Yeh Yeh vibrate and put .... hahaha..... today cycling very tired and sweaty , but feel comfortable after sweaty...... and i really like the feeling of cycling under the moonlight shadow a relax and peaceful night ...zz

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Today is our C.B.G showtime......

LoL..... Today is our C.B.G cook fried rice to C.C.G eat ..... hahaha...... definitely is our fried rice delicious la ..... hahaha and let them nothing to say when dinner ...... hahaha ,WE WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Jaya Jusco , ....

This morning i bring my precious car to repair for the brake of the car ....After that we go jaya jusco to shopping and buy some stationery ,then we go eat mcd again .... really a value lunch .... hahaha.... After lunch , we go shopping awhile to digest and we go ebox to singk ....this time singk is not feel high , hahaha , but feel very happy and funy....hahaha... sce zhen .... very pro in rap .... hahaha .... we all listen until dun know how to close eye and mouth... hahaha ... after singk then i go celebrate my father birthday.... hahaha ,we go eat japanese food ,very expensive , but i not feel it very delicous ...... after dinner we go tesco shopping and back home .......^^

Friday, June 5, 2009

Hahaha .... My 1st program that i write .....

Program name: Hello.c
Written by : Boon Yew
Date : 5-June-2009
int main(void)
printf("Hello there\n");
printf("The value of 5 + 7 is %d\n",5+7);
printf("Bye bye\n\n");

return 0;

Hahaha , this is my 1st program that i write in my life ..... i will not forget about it ... and i will more hardworking and write a perfect program at the feuture ...hahaha so interested on it now ....

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Worst Day in kampar .........

Today really is a bad day , because my handphone jump into Dragon Eye Juice to bath ...... hahaha , but now still ok ..... really AMAZING ........ hahaha , can use more half year ...... and today is our C.G.G 1st time to cook for us ..... eh!!!! i think that is a plate of Fried Rice gua.... hahaha , but first time still ok la ,but compare with us leh ..... hehehe.......... now i juz hope my phone and i can see sun rise tomorrow ..... hahahaha.......

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Today is a relax day !!!!

Hahaha , today i finally can nap in the evening ..... and we go pasar malam again .... that is our last day to pasar malam ....cause too boring at there .... hahaha , i buy 40 satay and a bake corn ... hahaha ,after that , we go Guk jie restaurant to eat fried mee ...... hahaha and we see a big cat and small cat , that 2 cat can make mut yeh to scream , hahahah very stupid screaming at there ...... and i grab the cat on the table to frighten them , hahaha that yeh yeh run to car park there , hahaha i think can break the world record in 100M.....Reali a funny habits.....

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Today I make My Friend Cry !!!!

Today my family come from ipoh to visit me , and me dinner together ..... After dinner , and today is my 1st time to make my friend cry .... and i feel little bit guilty n very regret to do that......hahaha , although i already know is her act ..... hahaha , i promise i will not make any1 cry again ......

Monday, June 1, 2009

Reali Start Study !!!!Cannot Like Before Again

Hahaha !!!Today i got 4 class ah , hahaha very tired and sleepy .....This morning start from 9.00am to 1pm ....After that ,we go eat lunch at Sheng Yip ,then i go home rest while ....When 3.00pm i go study again until 7.00pm ....hahaha , very sleepy and tired ......after that ,we go Sheng Yip dinner again ,twice time per day, hahaha today i go a Mom again that is Razor , them are a perfect match with my dad , pin , hahaha.....After finish the dinner , we go home study account with Mut Yeh Them ...and that sui mut mut help me colouring nails and today she kidnap my hush puppy again.....Lastly ,we send back our father back to house .... hahaha is a very tired day n Bye Bye la .... puppy!!!